Mystical City of God Chaplet
In His infinite mercy, The Most High endowed most holy Mary with extraordinary graces and virtues, typified in the twelve foundations of the City of God. This august act is described in the twenty first chapter of the Apocalypse and further elucidated in Mary of Agreda's Mystical City of God.
What we learn from these sublime texts is that in addition to granting the Mother of the Incarnate Word great spiritual treasures, The Most High also granted the Mother humanity the distinct privilege of bestowing these same gifts upon her children who ask for them. Therefore, in this chaplet we call upon the powerful and efficacious intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and ask Her to share with us the graces and virtues that prepared Her for Her Immaculate Conception, namely those riches that comprise the twelve foundations of the City of God.
These extraordinary prayers are derived from Mary of Agreda's Mystical City of God.
The Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne - South Bend, granted his nihil obstat and imprimatur for this Mystical City of God Chaplet on May 11, 2019.